Biru is now a respected member of his community. Photo: Sameer Bara/Caritas Australia

Trusts & Foundations

Bring lasting hope. Create lasting change.

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Create a lasting legacy

Trusts, Foundations and Private Ancillary Funds (PAFs) enable us to deliver aid and sustainable development programs that make a real difference to the lives of the world’s most vulnerable.

We would welcome and value the opportunity to work with you – working together for justice and dignity. Walking together in hope. Building together a thriving future for all. You can choose to support a specific program or area of work, or that targets a specific issue or benefits a particular community.

We will ensure you are regularly updated and that you get to see the real impact that you make, are provided with regular Change Reports and are able to speak with a member of our Trusts & Foundation team, our leadership team or our Board about any issue at any time.


We have over 50 years’ experience working in development, as part of Caritas Internationalis, the second largest aid and development network in the world.

Built on trust

We are fully accredited by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) with robust reporting and financial systems to meet accountability requirements.

Sustainable change

Our administration and fundraising costs are kept within 12% (one of the lowest ratios in Australia) and we maintain a low reliance on government funding.

Learn more about what we can do together

Speak with our Trusts & Foundations team to learn how we can make lasting change together.

Contact us